Installing JIRA and assigning task ….

Keshav Mishra
4 min readAug 13, 2020


This blog will be a complete guide to install JIRA on your AWS EC2 instance and how can we assign tasks in JIRA.So,firstly what is JIRA?

JIRA is a tool developed by Atlassian.The main functions of this tool consists of project management,issues tracking.It is based on Agile methodology and provide users various aspects like projects,issues and many more.With the help of this tool we can easily manage defects,track issues.It is used to track,prioritize,organize bugs,new feature and even improvements.On JIRA,the software team can plan for next releases and the QA team can check the status of each feature which helps them in writing documentation.

Let’s look how we can install JIRA and create tasks.I’ll be doing all this on AWS EC2 instance :)

  1. Launch an EC2 instance. .Refer this if you are looking to launching an instance for first time.

2. Open PuTTY and enter the host IP and provide the key so that you can get access to the instance. .Refer to this if you are connecting PuTTY with EC2 for first time.

3.Login into your instance with username and install docker.After you have successfully installed you can check with the command “docker — version” which will tell you that you have docker installed or not.

4. Now,open docker hub using and search for “JIRA”. You’’ll get many images.You can choose anyone as per your need.I will be choosing .

5.Come back to PuTTY terminal and pull this image with command:

docker pull haxqer/jira .It will pull the image of JIRA.

6. After successfully pulling the respective image you need to run the particular image with docker run command.

docker run --detach --publish 8085:8080 haxqer/jira:latest

We have written “detach” so that we don’t lose the console.Next we have specified on which port number we want JIRA to run.

Don’t forget to open the port in your security rule in AWS dashboard.

7. You can check if the JIRA container is running or not by “docker ps” command.

8. Now you can visit the JIRA homepage by entering the IP_of _instance:port .

From here you have to select which type of setup you want i.e. You want to set it up by yourself or you want JIRA to set it up for you.Based on your requirement you can select any option.

9. Login to your account by providing the credentials.Setup your account by providing the details.

10.After this it will setup an environment for you,initialize the plugins and configure your database automatically.This may take some while to finish.

11.After all this setup is done it will ask you to choose an option as to you want to create a new project or import from another tool.

Choose type of project and continue.I created a new project.

12. It will ask for name of project.

As in planning phase we create task,organize and plan it.So here we create tasks inside a project.

13. Click on “CREATE” button on top of JIRA dashboard.Enter details of task,summary,priority,reporter,and other option.Don’t forget to mention description ,“end date” and label.

14. After providing all details click the “Create” button below and that’ s it.It will assign the task to given reporters.

15. If you want to alter the reporters,you can go to task option and change there.

In the next blog I’ll be telling about how to integrate Github and JIRA.

Thanks for reading!!!

Hope it helped…

